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Leading and Motivating A Team Effectively

This course aims to enable learners to understand the need for teams to have a sense of vision and purpose that reflects the organisation’s, and the role that effective communication, motivation and individual and team development play in enabling this to happen.

Business Meeting


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Skills to Advance Initiative

This course is only available to those currently in employment and fully funded under the Skills to Advance initiative. 


Skills to Advance is a national initiative that provides upskilling and reskilling opportunities to employees in jobs undergoing change and to those currently employed in vulnerable sectors. Skills to Advance aims to equip employees with the skills they need to progress in their current role or to adapt to the changing job market. Working closely with small and medium-sized enterprises, Skills to Advance helps employers identify skills needs and invest in their workforce by providing subsidised education and training to staff.

Expression of Interest

We currently don't have this course scheduled, but if you are interested in undertaking this course, please complete the form below and a member of our Recruitment Team will be in contact to discuss your needs. Please note this course is only for those currently in employment.

Institute of Leadership & Management

Learning Outcomes
  • Know how to communicate the organisations vision and strategy to the team

    • Explain the importance of the team having a common sense of purpose that supports the overall vision and strategy of the organisation

    • Explain the role that communication plays in establishing a common sense of purpose

    • Assess the effectiveness of own communication skills on the basis of the above

  • Know how to motivate and develop the team

    • Describe the main motivational factors in a work context and how these may apply to different situations, teams and individuals

    • Explain the importance of a leader being able to motivate teams and individuals and gain their commitment to objectives

    • Explain the role that the leader plays in supporting and developing the team and its members and give practical examples of when this will be necessary


Module Content
  • Why organisations or projects need a vision, mission and strategy and what they mean for first line leadership

  • How to develop team objectives that support overall strategy and vision

  • The importance of a team having a common sense of purpose that links to vision and strategy

  • The role that effective communication plays in conveying the overall mission of the organisation or project and how the collective work of the team and it’s individual members support this

  • Effective techniques for communicating vision, goals and objectives in terms of:

    • choosing effective times and places to communicate with the team and individuals

    • selecting appropriate communication methods

    • communicating clearly and accurately

    • active listening skills

    • receiving and responding appropriately to feedback

  • The critical importance of teams and individuals being motivated and committed to their objectives

  • Alternative theories of motivation, for example (select as appropriate):

    • Maslow’s Hierarchy

    • MacGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y

    • Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory

    • Vroom’s Expectancy Theory

    • McClelland’s 3-Needs Theory

  • Motivational factors that are available to the leader, for example:

    • safety and security

    • sense of belonging and common purpose

    • respect

    • empathy

    • recognition of achievement

    • involvement in decision making

    • sense of fulfilment

    • self-development

    • material rewards

    • sanctions

  • An appreciation of how these factors can apply to different situations, teams and individuals

  • How to select and use appropriate motivational factors

  • Giving feedback on performance

  • Basic support needs that individuals may have and how to meet these

  • The importance of continuous development for the team and individual members


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Registered Charity Number: 20083465

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